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5 ffordd o ymdopi a’r gwres ar eich teithiau'r haf hwn

08 Jul 2022

TfW are aware that travelling on buses and trains in the summer heat can sometimes be very uncomfortable.

While some of our trains and buses do have air conditioning, some of our older trains do not, although these are largely being replaced by brand new trains which will feature air conditioning throughout. However, in certain conditions, sometimes even air con isn’t enough to keep busy trains cool, so it’s important to be prepared for travelling in uncomfortable conditions.

So, here are five ways to stay cool when travelling across the network:

Seek shade

Many of our stations have some cover that provide shade, or even an indoor area for you to escape the scorching heat. Keeping out of direct sun is crucial to keeping cool and well whilst you’re on your travels.



Bring a hand-held fan

Investing in a cheap, handheld fan can be a great way to stay cool on trains or buses. We will put air conditioning on where possible. However, in extremely hot weather, it can still be hot in the carriages.

You can also open windows on most buses and trains to ensure a draft is circulating throughout the vehicle.


Stay hydrated

Ensure you take an appropriate amount of water with you to stay hydrated, especially if travelling on a longer route. At least one litre is recommended. However, try to avoid ‘chugging’ lots of cold water. Instead, take regular sips to help regulate your body temperate.

Top tip: Add ice to your bottle or freeze it overnight for that extra cold hit.


Wear appropriate clothing

Being inside a bus or train with lots of people, you don’t want to be over dressed. Make sure you dress light, with no heavy materials. It’s best to opt for lighter colours as dark colours absorb the suns heat and will make you hotter.

Additionally, avoid fabrics like polyester where you can, opting instead for cotton or linen. These will keep your skin shaded and protected from the suns damage.


Avoid peak travel times

Where possible, try to leave a bit later or earlier to avoid the busiest travel times across the network. Less people mean less heat.

TfW - Major Ents Photos-052


Good luck on your travels throughout the summer and enjoy the glorious weather whilst staying cool and safe!